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Selectmen's Minutes August 06, 2002
August 06, 2002

PRESENT:  Theodore Bailey, Jeffrey Jordan, David Colbert, Heather Briggs, and Judy Kenneally via telephone


The minutes of April 30, 2002 were approved as written, signed and will be posted to our web page.


Chairman Bailey called the meeting to order at 7 PM.

Subject: Highway Department

Present:  Jeffrey Jordan, Road Agent

He gave the Board the new maintenance schedule for next week.

He is on schedule according to his maintenance plan given last Selectmen’s Meeting.

Mr. Gilbert Vien requested the chipper from the Highway Department for use in the cemetery clean up.  The Highway Department will run the chipper, which will come from the cemetery budget.  The Selectmen agreed that this was a good idea.

The mower is not working well.  Mr. Jordan does not want to pay for the down time of the mower.  The Board agreed.  

Mr. Jordan wants to set a minimum amount to the hired help who comes in to run equipment and has to leave due to the machinery not working.  The Highway Department and the Board agreed that if someone is hired to come in that a minimum two (2) hours be paid.

Mr. Jordan wants to be able to watch the contracted help more closely to see that the work being contracted is done correctly.  The Board agreed.

Subject: Police Department
Present: Patrick Clarke, Police Chief

Chairman Bailey told Chief Clarke that the wrecker crew is responsible for the clean up from accidents.  

Chief Clarke reminded the Board that the “Kid ID Day” would be August 24 from 10 AM to 2 PM at Freekey’s Ice Cream stand.  He also said that this event was going to be bigger than last years and might go into the park.  Selectman Colbert will get back to Chief Clarke to verify that the field will be available in that area.

Subject: Historical Society   

Present: Lucille Noel, Joanne Luikmil, Gail Towle, Ruth Hammel, and Walter Sanborn,

Lucille Noel gave the Board a presentation regarding Thunder Bridge.  This presentation covered the basic facts and Judy commented that this presentation will be prefect for the March 2003 Meeting.

This bridge has had the survey done in 1981.  The next step in the process is to put it on the register.

The Board reviewed the information and gave the Historical Society permission to go ahead with putting the bridge on the Historical Register.  They will need to wait until the March 2003 meeting to appropriate funds towards the maintenance for the bridge.

The Board asked the Historical Society to firm up the figures that they will be looking for.

Subject:  Paul Adams

Mr. Adams officially request that he be selected for appointment to the Chichester Budget Committee.  The Board told him that Marie MacKay had been appointed at the July Board Meeting and she accepted.

Subject: Earl Weir  

Mr. Weir told the Board that he is the recipient of a Building Permit.  He then requested to have the Board waive the impact fee due to his residency.

The Board said that they would take in into consideration but would like to discuss it further with a full Board in attendance.

Mr. Weir told the Board that Mr. Jeffrey Jordan asked that when a BCEP position became available that he would like to considered.  Mr. Weir stated that Mr. Norman Larochelle was not active.

The Board asked that Heather call Mr. Larochelle to ask if he was still interested in the position with BCEP.

Subject:  Gary Depalma

Mr. Depalma came to the Board regarding his proposed commercial building concerns regarding the cost of the sprinkler system.  He stated that he had no problem with having the sprinkler system but that the cost for having the water supply was very expensive.  He requested an abatement of taxes while he pays off the loan for the sprinkler system.

The Board said that they would take in into consideration with a full Board in attendance.

Subject:  Julie Patterson

Was unable to attend and will reschedule for the next board Meeting on August 13, 2002.

Subject:  Board Discussion

There is a  copper pipe in the boiler room running from the other boiler and should be rerouted to the back for safety.  The Board agreed to have Mr. Glidden come back to reroute, change line and sleeve this part of the pipe.  Heather will inform Mr. Glidden.

The Grange acknowledged the removal of the pipe and wiring on the lawn area outside of the Grange and informed the Board that their intention is to add a stone bench near the tree as a memorial to Ray Munsey.

Mr. Peter Julia is unable to accept the Planning Board Alternate position.  He would like to be considered at a later date.

The Board would like to discuss the payroll next week with a full Board.

Respectfully submitted,

Theodore Bailey, Chairman

David Colbert